A genotype × environment experiment reveals contrasting response strategies to drought between populations of a keystone species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae)
Meta-Analysis Reveals Challenges and Gaps for Genome-to-Phenome Research Underpinning Plant Drought Response
Sarracenia pitcher plant-associated microbial communities differ primarily by host species across a longitudinal gradient
Characterization and Comparison of Convergence Among Cephalotus follicularis Pitcher Plant-Associated Communities With Those of Nepenthes and Sarracenia Found Worldwide.
Population structure and hybridization under contemporary and future climates in a heteroploid foundational shrub species (Artemisia tridentata)
Strengthening relationships to traditional foodways: Adapting food practices through camas cultivation experiments on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.
Acclimation and hardening of a slow-growing woody species emblematic to western North America from in vitro plantlets
Post-fire sagebrush seed dispersal varies across sites and scales: implications for restoration seeding
Data processing scripts for: A Genotype×Environment experiment reveals contrasting response strategies to drought between populations of a keystone species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae) Read more about Data processing scripts for: A Genotype×Environment experiment reveals contrasting response strategies to drought between populations of a keystone species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae)