
Image Publication Title Journal Year published GEM3 author(s)
Figure 3 from Frontiers in Plant Science manuscript depicting the Global comparison of pitcher plant-associated communities Characterization and Comparison of Convergence Among Cephalotus follicularis Pitcher Plant-Associated Communities With Those of Nepenthes and Sarracenia Found Worldwide. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022 Leonora Bittleston
Figure 1 from G3 manuscript highlighting the sagebrush ecosystems and the site of collection of IDT3 within the Soda Fire site (burned in 2015) in Idaho, USA A haploid pseudo-chromosome genome assembly for a keystone sagebrush species of western North American rangelands G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 2022 Anthony Melton, Andrew Child, Carlos Dave Dumaguit, Jennifer Forbey, Matthew Germino, Marie Anne deGraaff, Andrew Kliskey, Peggy Martinez, Stephen Novak, Bryce Richardson, Sven Buerki
Figure 3 from International Journal of Molecular Sciences manuscript comparing the the five major drought response strategies Meta-Analysis Reveals Challenges and Gaps for Genome-to-Phenome Research Underpinning Plant Drought Response International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 Anthony Melton, Stephanie Galla, Carlos Dave Dumaguit, Michael Wojahn, Stephen Novak, Peggy Martinez, Sven Buerki
Figure from Molecular Ecology manuscript Whole genome resequencing identifies local adaptation associated with environmental variation for redband trout Molecular Ecology 2022 Kimberly Andrews, Travis Seaborn, Joshua Egan, Zhongqi Chen, Paul Hohenlohe, Lisette Waits, Christopher Caudill, Shawn Narum
Figure 5 from Nature Communications manuscript Statistical consideration of nonrandom treatment applications reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action Nature Communications 2022 Allison Simler Williamson, Matthew Germino
Figure 1 from Scientific Reports manuscript UPRLIMET: UPstream Regional LiDAR Model for Extent of Trout in stream networks scientific reports 2022 Kitty Griswold
Figure 1 The role of genome duplication in big sagebrush growth and fecundity American Journal of Botany 2021 Bryce Richardson, Matthew Germino, Sven Buerki
Figure 1 Using an Ultraviolet Light Test to Improve Sagebrush Identification and Predict Forage Quality for Wildlife BioOne 2021 Brecken Robb, Jennifer Forbey
Figure 2 Intraspecific variation mediates density dependence in a genetically diverse plant species Ecology 2021 Andrii Zaiats, Matthew Germino, Bryce Richardson, Trevor Caughlin
Figure 2 A draft genome provides hypotheses on drought tolerance in a keystone plant species in Western North America threatened by climate change Ecology and Evolution 2021 Anthony Melton, Stephanie Galla, Bryce Richardson, Stephen Novak, Sven Buerki
figure 1 Influence of environmental conditions at spawning sites and migration routes on adaptive variation and population connectivity in Chinook salmon Ecology and Evolution 2021 Lisette Waits, Shawn Narum, Travis Seaborn
weather affects Weather affects post-fire recovery of sagebrush-steppe communities and model transferability among sites Ecosphere 2021 Cara Applestein, Trevor Caughlin, Matthew Germino
Figure 1 Applying genomics in assisted migration under climate change: Framework, empirical applications, and case studies Evolutionary Applications 2021 Zhongqi Chen, Lukas Grossfurthner, Janet Loxterman, Jonathan Masingale, Bryce Richardson, Travis Seaborn, Brandy Smith, Lisette Waits, Shawn Narum
genomic analyses Genomic Analyses of Phenotypic Differences Between Native and Invasive Populations of Diffuse Knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2021 Kathryn Turner
Flowchart showing progression of a G2PmineR analysis G2PMineR: A Genome to Phenome Literature Review Approach Genes 2021 Michael Wojahn, Stephanie Galla, Anthony Melton, Sven Buerki
building a bridge Building a Bridge Between Adaptive Capacity and Adaptive Potential to Understand Responses to Environmental Change Global Change Biology 2021 Travis Seaborn, David Griffith, Andrew Kliskey, Christopher Caudill
intra-specific Intra-specific variation in migration phenology of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in response to spring temperatures IBIS 2021 Juan Requena Mullor, Julie Heath
tree canopy Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2021 Hui Wang, Travis Seaborn, Christopher Caudill
Assessing accuracy Assessing accuracy of GAP and LANDFIRE land cover datasets in winter habitats used by greater sage-grouse in Idaho and Wyoming, USA Journal of Environmental Management 2021 Peter Olsoy, Jennifer Forbey
The role of neutral and adaptive genomic variation in population diversification and speciation in two ground squirrel species of conservation concern Molecular Ecology 2021 Soraia Moreira Barbosa, Kimberly Andrews, Paul Hohenlohe, Lisette Waits