Code from: Simulating plasticity as a framework for understanding habitat selection and its role in adaptive capacity and extinction risk through an expansion of CDMetaPOP
Modeling |
Supplemental scripts from: Meta-Analysis Reveals Challenges and Gaps for Genome-to-Phenome Research Underpinning Plant Drought Response
Modeling |
Code and data for structural equation model of beargrass growth
Mapping |
Data from: Human population growth and accessibility from cities shape rangeland condition in the American West
Mapping, Modeling |
Data from: Socio-ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape
Mapping |
Code from: Using Decision Analysis to Determine the Feasibility of a Conservation Translocation
Modeling |
Data and code from: Phenological shifts across the invaded range of Blue Mustard (Chorispora tenella)
Mapping, Mechanisms |
The upper limit of fish
Mapping, Modeling |
UPstream Regional LiDAR Model for Extent of Trout (UPRLIMET) model training and prediction data
Mapping, Modeling |
Data processing scripts for: A Genotype×Environment experiment reveals contrasting response strategies to drought between populations of a keystone species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae)
Mechanisms, Modeling |
La Sal B | Seed Collection (Plant UTT-2), Highway 95 Hilltop | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-3) |
GEM3: Gemonics Workflow
Mechanisms |
Code from: A draft genome provides hypotheses on drought tolerance in a keystone plant species in Western North America threatened by climate change
Mechanisms |
Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden, Orchard | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-2) |
Code from: Global composition of the bacteriophage community in honeybees
Mechanisms |
Data from: Using social-ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout
Mapping, Modeling |
Social Ecological Outcomes of Connectivity Conservation |
Seed yield data from: The role of genome duplication in big sagebrush growth and fecundity
Mechanisms |
Orchard Common Garden | UAS, Ephraim | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Genome by environment adaptive variation in Chinook salmon
Mechanisms |
RAD sequencing of Idaho ground squirrels
Mechanisms |
Sagebrush population genetics analysis pipeline
Mechanisms |
Oregon Sagebrush Ecotone, Leadore Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Pahsimeroi Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Castle Rocks Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Utah Sagebrush Ecotone |
Redband Trout Size and Abundance Data from Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks 2019-2022
Mechanisms |
Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach |
Data from: DNA methylation of two heat-stress genes in redband trout from contrasting thermal environments
Mechanisms |
Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach |
DNA methylation of two heat-stress genes in redband trout from constrasting thermal environments
Mechanisms |
Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach |