Data from: High-resolution thermal imagery reveals how interactions between crown structure and genetics shape plant temperature
Mapping |
Orchard Common Garden | UAS, Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Thesis | Collaboration and conflict in the process of creating governance: Challenges and opportunities for anadromous fish restoration in the Columbia River Basin
Mapping |
Stakeholder Narratives of Anadromous Fish Conservation | Columbia River |
Redband Trout Stream Temperature Data for Big Jacks, Duncan, Little Jacks, Upper Mann and Keithly Creeks 2019-2022
Mechanisms |
Big Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Big Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Duncan Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Keithly Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Middle Sampling Reach, Upper Mann Creek Upper Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Lower Sampling Reach, Little Jacks Creek Upper Sampling Reach |
Data from: Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Panel for determination of environmental influence on genome for wild Columbia River redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii) in Southwest Idaho streams
Mechanisms |
Keithly Creek | Trout Physiology, Upper Mann Creek | Trout Physiology, Little Jacks Creek | Trout Physiology, Duncan Creek | Trout Physiology, Big Jacks Creek | Trout Physiology |
Data and Code for Characterization and comparison of convergence among Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated communities with those of Nepenthes and Sarracenia found worldwide
Characterization and global comparison of Cephalotus follicularis pitcher plant-associated microbial communities
Interannual variation in climate contributes to contingency in post-fire restoration outcomes in seeded sagebrush steppe
Mechanisms |
Statistical consideration of nonrandom treatment applications reveal region-wide benefits of widespread post-fire restoration action
Mechanisms |
Thesis | Disturbance, vegetation co-occurrence, and human intervention as drivers of plant species distributions in the sagebrush steppe
Mapping |
Camassia quamash demographic and allometric data
Mapping, Partnerships, Sustainability |
Camassia quamash Plant Demography | Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh |
Thesis | Examining Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Nesting and Brood Rearing Habitat Using Machine Learning and Land Use and Land Cover Trends in Southeastern Idaho
Mapping |
Thesis | Using Uncrewed Aircraft Systems to Create 3D Maps and Suitability Models of Golden Eagle Nesting Sites
Mapping |
Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata drought GxE experiment transcriptomics data
Mechanisms |
Highway 95 Hilltop | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-3), La Sal B | Seed Collection (Plant UTT-2) |
Annotations from: Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata drought GxE experiment transcriptomics data-BioProject PRJNA934360
Mechanisms |
Highway 95 Hilltop | Seed Collection (Plant IDT-3), La Sal B | Seed Collection (Plant UTT-2) |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2010-SOUTH TRAIL wildfire boundary near Hammett Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2015-SODA wildfire boundary near the Oregon/Idaho border USA-2022
Mapping |
Soda Natural Area-1 | UAS, Soda Natural Area-2 |UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2013-PONY COMPLEX wildfire boundary near Mountain Home Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2005-NORTH HAM wildfire boundary near Hammett Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from within the lower Dry Creek watershed near Boise Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Lower Dry Creek | UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 1996-COYOTE BUTTE wildfire boundary near Initial Point Kuna Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
COYOTE BUTTE (Initial Point) | UAS, Slickspot (Initial Point) | UAS |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 2007-COLD wildfire boundary near Glenns Ferry Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Digital aerial imagery (RGB and multispectral) from the 1991-BF3 wildfire boundary near Corrals Trailhead Boise Idaho USA-2022
Mapping |
Corrals Trailhead (BF3) | UAS |
Population structure and hybridization in a heteroploid foundational shrub species (Artemisia tridentata)
Mechanisms |
Oregon Sagebrush Ecotone, Leadore Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Pahsimeroi Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Castle Rocks Idaho Sagebrush Ecotone, Utah Sagebrush Ecotone |
Thesis | Intraspecific Variation in Plant-Plant Interactions and Belowground Zone of Influence of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
Mechanisms |
Ephraim | Sagebrush Common Garden, Orchard | Sagebrush Common Garden, Majors Flat | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Redband trout whole genome resequencing
Mechanisms |
Little Jacks Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Big Jacks Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Dry Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Dry Creek | Legacy Genetics 02, Duncan Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Fawn Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Keithly Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Keithly Creek | Legacy Genetics 02, Little Weiser Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, South Callahan Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Trail Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Williams Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Mann Creek | Legacy Genetics 01, Mann Creek | Legacy Genetics 02 |
Open Drone Map: Structure-from-Motion Workflow
Mapping |
Code for Zaiats et al. 2023 Landscape Ecology
Mapping, Modeling |
andriizayac/ibm_sagebrush_simulations: Code for Zaiats et al. 2022 Ecology and Evolution
Mechanisms, Modeling |
Majors Flat | Sagebrush Common Garden |
Data and Code from: Post-fire seed dispersal of a wind-dispersed shrub declined with distance to seed source, yet had high levels of unexplained variation (capplestein/Sagebrush-Seed-Dispersal: v.1)
Mechanisms, Modeling |
Meta-analysis reveals challenges and gaps for genome-to-phenome research underpinning plant drought response
Mechanisms |